It appears your club is not registered with the USGA. Please contact us immediately if you feel this is a mistake (e-mail: Please review the USGA web site for more information on how to register your club:

USGA Club Licensing        Or how to check your club:     Authorized Club Lookup     Forming a Golf Club

Please be aware that part of the license agreement for USGA for Golf Clubs requires every club must have one representative attend a Handicap Seminar and successfully complete a quiz on the USGA Handicap System™ in order to use the USGA Handicap System.

Clubs have a couple of options for completing the seminar/quiz requirement:

1) Many state and regional associations are conducting their own seminars which meet the requirement. Please contact your state or regional golf association in this regard.

2) The USGA conducts a number of seminars. For more information:

License Application

3) As an additional option, this process can be completed online through the USGA Web cast. The online Handicap Seminar, designed as an educational and informational tool about the USGA Handicap System™ can be viewed on the USGA's Web site:

Go to and Click on the Handicap Education link.


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